Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine Treatments for Wellbeing & Stress
Stress & Wellbeing Care Clinic
Stress Related and Functional Medicine
Acupuncture and Chinese medicine can effectively treat stress related and emotional wellbeing disorders.
I regularly see a range of conditions that respond favourably to treatment, for example;
- Wellness and healthy Ageing, Maintaining Optimal General Health and Longevity
- Anxiety and Depression, Stress and Emotional Wellbeing Problems
- Insomnia and Sleeping Problems
- Exhaustion and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- Digestive and Bladder complaints such as IBS; Colitis, Gastritis; Reflux; Constipation; mild forms of Incontinence, Prostatitis and Cystitis.
For the latest research please see research, case studies and testimonials.