Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine
Clinics in London and Bath
Jason is a doctor of Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture practicing from clinics in London and Bath. Jason’s approach blends Chinese medicine philosophy with the science of integrative and functional medicine. He carefully listens to and explore each person's case tailoring lifestyle, nutritional, herbal and holistic medicine advice to individually fit and support a journey into wellbeing and healthy ageing.
In his practice Jason sees many patients with general medical conditions, for example:
Musculoskeletal pain, headaches and migraines, anxiety/depression, digestive/urinary complaints, skin conditions, immune system disorders, exhaustion and chronic fatigue syndrome, neurological conditions, tinnitus, Bells palsy, stroke, multiple sclerosis, sports injuries, long Covid.
Jason also specialises in treating gynaecological conditions, male and female fertility, IVF and pregnancy support.
Click on a named clinic in the green box for more detailed information for conditions treated.
Please contact Jason by telephone or email if you wish to discuss your treatment. Appointments for the London and Bath clinics can be made online.
My London Acupuncture Clinic is located at The Light Centre, Belgravia on Wednesdays 10:00pm-8:30pm.
My Bath Acupuncture Clinic is located at The Soul Spa in central Bath on Tuesdays 3pm-8pm, and on Fridays and Saturdays 8:30am-5pm.
Dr Jason Unwin (TCM) MSc
BMedicine (Beijing University of TCM)
BSc (Middlesex University)
MSc (Westminster University)