Conditions Treated
Jason specialises in treating General Health conditions that may not have improved with conventional Western medicine treatment, for example:
Musculoskeletal Pain, such as; Back Pain and Sciatica; Neck and Shoulder Pain; Arthritic and Rheumatic Pain, TMJ, RSI, Sports Injuries etc Headache, Migraine and Tinnitus Stress and Emotional Problems, Anxiety and Depression Insomnia and Sleeping Problems Exhaustion and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Digestive and Bladder Complaints such as IBS, Colitis, Gastritis, Reflux, Constipation, mild forms of Incontinence, Irritable Bladder, Prostatitis and Cystitis Neurological symptoms and diseases such as Neuropathy, Tinnitus, Neuralgia, Bell’s Palsy, Shingles, Parkinson's Disease, MS and stroke. Immune system diseases and Allergic disorders Dermatology Conditions, Acne, Eczema, Psoriasis Integrative Cancer Care He also has extensive experience in gynaecology and infertility treatment, including: Endometriosis, Dysmenorrhea (painful periods). Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, No Periods, Irregular Cycles. Subfertility, to enhance Natural Fertility Preparation alongside IVF and other Assisted Reproductive Medicine Recurrent Miscarriage Pregnancy Symptoms and Labour Preparation Menopausal Conditions Male Sexual Health Many General and Specialised Medicine conditions can be treated effectively Please call me if you wish to discuss your condition prior to booking an appointment.