Research, Case Studies & Testimonials

Acupuncture and self-care effective for low back pain

Published On: Thursday, June 5, 2014
Category: Pain Clinic

Patient outcomes and experiences of an acupuncture and self-care service for persistent low back pain in the NHS: a mixed methods approach.

A British research team has found that combining acupuncture with self-care is particularly effective in reducing the symptoms of low back pain. Eighty patients agreed to participate in an evaluation of the Beating Back Pain Service (BBPS), a pilot service based in a primary and community care setting delivering a combination of acupuncture, self-management and information to patients with chronic low back pain. Patients referred to acupuncture received up to six weekly 30-minute sessions of individualised TCM acupuncture treatment. The results showed that patients using the service experienced statistically significant improvements over time for pain, quality of life, understanding of pain, physical activity and relaxation. These improvements (except relaxation levels) were maintained at three-month follow-up. Patients receiving a combination of acupuncture and self-management sessions produced the most positive results and patient satisfaction with the BBPS was high.


Patient outcomes and experiences of an acupuncture and self-care service for persistent low back pain in the NHS: a mixed methods approach. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2013 Nov 1;13(1):300



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