Research, Case Studies & Testimonials

acupuncture effective for endometriosis pain

Published On: Thursday, June 5, 2014
Category: Gynaecology Clinic

Is acupuncture in addition to conventional medicine effective as pain treatment for endometriosis? A randomised controlled cross-over trial.

Austrian researchers have examined whether acupuncture is an effective additional pain treatment for endometriosis. In a cross-over design, 101 women were randomised into two groups, each receiving two units of 10 acupuncture treatments twice a week over a period of five weeks. Group 1 received verum-acupuncture during the first treatment unit, while Group 2 received non-specific acupuncture. After the first unit of 10 treatments, an observation period of at least two menstruation cycles was set. In the second 10-week treatment unit, Group 1 received non-specific acupuncture, while Group 2 received verum acupuncture. The investigators found that Group 1 showed a significant reduction in pain intensity after the first 10 treatments, while Group 2 showed significant pain relief only after the cross-over.


Is acupuncture in addition to conventional medicine effective as pain treatment for endometriosis? A randomised controlled cross-over trial. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2010 Nov;153(1):90-3

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