Research, Case Studies & Testimonials
plantar facitis 3
Published On: Tuesday, May 20, 2014
Category: Pain Clinic
'Treatment of Plantar Fasciitis in Recreational Athletes: Two Different Therapeutic Protocols'.
Acupuncture should be considered as a major therapeutic instrument for the decrease of heel pain in plantar fasciitis (PF), according to a Greek study. Thirty-eight patients with PF were randomly allocated to receive treatment with ice, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication, and a stretching and a strengthening program, or another group who received the same therapeutic procedures plus acupuncture. Scores for pain and mobility/function were significantly smaller in acupuncture group after at two months.
(Treatment of Plantar Fasciitis in Recreational Athletes: Two Different Therapeutic Protocols. Foot Ankle Spec. 2011 Aug;4(4):226-234).