Research, Case Studies & Testimonials

improved sperm count and quality with chinese herbal medicine

Published On: Friday, April 4, 2014
Category: Male Infertility

'Clinical effects of goshajinkigan for male infertility'

A formula called Niu che shen qi wan was tested in Japan for its effectiveness on male infertility.  Patients were given the formulae for at least three months.  50% of patients showed a significant increase in sperm motility.  About 30% showed an increase in sperm count

Takayama H, Konishi T, Kounami T, Wakabayashi Y, Watanabe J, Hayashida H, Tomoyoshi T. 'Clinical effects of goshajinkigan for male infertility' Hinyokika Kiyo. 1984 Nov; 30(11):1685-9.

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