Research, Case Studies & Testimonials

acupuncture for poor sperm morphology 2

Published On: Thursday, April 3, 2014
Category: Male Infertility

'Clinical observation of 54 cases of male infertility treated by acupuncture and moxibustion'

A Chinese study was carried out on 54 males with impaired fertility.  1-3 months of acupuncture therapy was given, and sperm analysis carried out before and after treatment.  55.5% of patients impregnated their partners in that period of time, and 24% showed a significant improvement in sperm parameters.  20% of patients, previously diagnosed with azoospermia and immune disturbance, did not improve.  The best improvement was seen in patients with abnormal sperm

Qian, Z 'Clinical observation of 54 cases of male infertility treated by acupuncture and moxibustion' Journal of Chinese Medicine, 1996 Sep; 52.


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