Research, Case Studies & Testimonials

luteal phase defect

Published On: Thursday, April 3, 2014
Category: Female Infertility

'Preliminary report of the treatment of luteal phase defect by replenishing kidney. An analysis of 53 cases' ‘The improvement of luteal insufficiency in fecund women by tokishakuyakusan treatment’

In one study of female infertility, 53 patients with luteal phase defect (LPD) were treated with different Chinese medicinal herbs at different phases of menstrual cycle. The patients were treated for three menstrual cycles and there was significant improvement in the luteal phase of endometrium, and a tendency for normalization of the wave forms and its amplitude after the treatment. The findings suggested that Chinese herbal medicines that are capable of replenishing the Kidney could regulate the hypothalamus-pituitary-ovarian axis and thus improve the luteal function. Among the 53 cases, 22 (41.5%) conceived but 68.18% of them required other measures to preserve the pregnancy.   

Zhang HY; Yu XZ; Wang GL 'Preliminary report of the treatment of luteal phase defect by replenishing kidney. An analysis of 53 cases'. Zhongguo Zhong Xi Yi Jie He Za zhi Aug 1992, 12 (8) p473-4, 452-3.  


Women with normal menstrual cycles but low basal body temperature and progesterone levels (luteal insufficiency) were effectively treated with a Chinese herbal formulary called Dang gui shao yao tang, with no observed side effects.

Usuki S, Higa TN, Soreya K. ‘The improvement of luteal insufficiency in fecund women by tokishakuyakusan treatment’. Am J Chin Med. 2002; 30(2-3):327-38.


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