Research, Case Studies & Testimonials
Chinese medicine beneficial for menopause symptoms
Published On: Thursday, May 28, 2015
Category: Chinese Medicine
A pilot study from the UK suggests that Chinese medicine treatment is beneficial for menopausal symptoms.
In a case series design, 117 perimenopausal women were treated for menopausal symptoms by six experienced practitioners of Chinese medicine. The practitioners were instructed to treat as closely to their usual practice style as possible, using Chinese herbal medicine and/or acupuncture along with dietary and lifestyle advice. A maximum of 12 treatments over six months was allowed per patient. Patients showed significant improvement across all domains measured by two menopause symptom scales. Reduction on the MenQoL scale between first and last visit was from 4.31 to 3.27 and on the Green climacteric scale from 21.01 to 13.00. Liver and kidney function tests showed no abnormal liver or kidney function during the course of the study.
Chinese medicine treatment for menopausal symptoms in the UK health service: Is a clinical trial warranted? Maturitas. 2014 Nov 20. pii: S0378-5122(14)00354-5.