Research, Case Studies & Testimonials

Pituitary related infertility

Published On: Thursday, April 3, 2014
Category: Female Infertility

2 studies of Chinese herbal medicine treating pituitary related infertility

Hachimijiogan, a Chinese herbal formulary (Liu wei di huang wan + rou gui, yin yang huo, huang qi), was shown in one study to benefit female infertility due to pituitary dysfunction. Two infertile women (one with and one without a pituitary adenoma) who were resistant to medical treatment, were given Hachimijiogan which subsequently reduced the serum prolactin level, and resulted in a normal ovulatory cycle and pregnancy, without side effects. 

Usuki S; Kubota S; Usuki Y. 'Treatment with hachimijiogan, a non-ergot Chinese herbal medicine, in two hyperprolactinemic infertile women’. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 1989, 68 (5) p475-8.

In another study looking at pituitary dysfunction causing infertility, 27 women were given the same formulae as discussed above.  6 of the women had amenorrhea.  In 15 patients, the prolactin levels dropped to a healthy range, and remained low 6 months after the course of treatment.  Four patients with amenorrhea ovulated.  Eleven patients conceived and delivered a healthy baby.  In three women, the prolactin level did not lower.  The authors conclude that a modification of Liu wei di huang wan can be a safe and effective treatment for hyperprolactinemic women

Usuki S, Usuki Y. ‘Hachimijiogan treatment is effective in the management of infertile women with hyperprolactaemia or bromocriptine-resistant hyperprolactaemia.’ American Journal of Chinese Medicine 1989; 17 (3-4):225-41.


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