Research, Case Studies & Testimonials


Published On: Friday, February 6, 2015
Category: Skin Conditions

A study has followed up a group of 31 patients with severe atopic eczema who initially took part in a double-blind placebo-controlled crossover trial of a specific formulation of Chinese herbal therapy. All were offered continued therapy for one year after the trial was completed. Of 17 patients who took up the offer, 12 had a greater than 90% reduction of symptoms and the other 5 had a greater than 60% reduction. 11 patients who decided not to continue treatment reported a gradual deterioration of symptoms, resulting in a significant difference (both erythema and surface damage) between the two groups. Toxicology screening revealed no abnormalities in either full blood counts or biochemical parameters in any patient on continued treatment. Improvement in disease was not associated with any significant change in serum IgE level or peripheral blood lymphocyte subsets

Clinical & Experimental Dermatology.  1995 ;20(2):136-40.

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