Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine Treatments for Pain
Pain clinic
I treat all types of Pain including Musculoskeletal Conditions, Headaches, Neurological Conditions and Gynaecological pain.
Typically the patients pain symptoms respond positively after an initial acupuncture treatment and a course of treatment will provide continued long term improvement.
- Musculoskeletal pain, such as; Back Pain and Sciatica, Neck and Shoulder Pain, Knee Pain, Arthritic and Rheumatic Pain, Frozen Shoulder, TMJ, RSI, Sports Injuries etc.
- Headache and Migraine.
- Neurological symptoms and disease, such as; Neuralgia, Neuropathy, Tinnitus, Bell’s Palsy, Shingles, MS, Parkinson's Disease and Stroke.
Acupuncture has been recommended for use within the NHS by the National institute of clinical excellence (NICE) to be effective at treating; Lower Back Pain, Headaches and Migraine. A recent large multi-centre study from Germany recommends it as an effective treatment strategy for all types of Musculoskeletal and Arthritic Pain.
For the latest research please see research, case studies and testimonials.